The Potter’s House
Project 3133
Looking forward to the next chapter of VBPH at an exciting new location.

“The children of Israel brought a freewill offering to the Lord, all the men and women whose hearts were willing to bring material for all kinds of work which the Lord, by the hand of Moses, had commanded to be done.”
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“A local church with a worldwide vision”
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Our Mission
Winning Souls
The call to win souls isn’t just for the super-spiritual or the pastor behind the pulpit. We strive to help every believer to be equipped to be a fisher of men. Fish don’t just jump into the fisherman’s boat. Why do we think that sinners will join churches on their own? We are the salt and the light!
Making Disciples
His command is clear. We won't be distracted with empty church programs and religious facades. Making disciples for time and eternity is both the most difficult and most rewarding work of all time. It’s not enough just to get butts into chairs for services, we need disciples!
Planting Churches
The Spirit often calls the most faithful among us to be separated unto God for the spiritual needs of regions beyond. Our fellowship has curated a compelling vision over the last half century to raise up couples to be launched into cities and nations and repeat the process all over again.
Latest Message:

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else.”
Jesus | Matthew 6:33
VBPH Distinctives
Great things don't just happen by accident. Christian Fellowship Ministries now has a bible conference every week and over 4,000 churches around the world. Those numbers are only a small representation of the untold multitudes whose lives, families, bodies, marriages, and finances have been changed and healed as a result of faithful men and women following the call of Christ to "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel". This is the story of how it started:
It was 1970 in a dusty Arizona town where the cows outnumbered the people, a movement was born that has carried the Gospel of Jesus Christ to millions of souls in dozens of nations all around the Globe. In 1970, a fiery compassionate preacher named Pastor Wayman Mitchell responded to an opportunity to pastor a fledgling congregation of 25 tired souls. He dared them to believe God for greater things. Catching a wave of the Jesus People Revival, the church began to see multitudes of young hippies getting radically saved and their lives being transformed from drug-induced hypnosis to Spirit-filled passion. While there were many churches feeling the fire of revival in those days, what set Prescott, AZ apart from the rest was an unwavering commitment by Pastor Mitchell to reach those who were still lost. While many of the saved hippies fizzled in their faith over time, Mitchell's disciples exploded in spiritual growth, excelled in ministry, and caught a vision for world evangelism.
Today, those same converted hippies are the very leaders of our organization (commonly known as 'The Fellowship'). Men like Harold Warner of Tucson, AZ; Rich Cox of Redlands, CA; Mark Aulson of Tempe, AZ; Kevin Foley of McMinnville, OR; and our sponsoring pastor, Joe Campbell of Chandler, AZ have each built thriving congregations that are impacting cities and nations around the world by training disciples and sending them out to preach the Gospel.
The Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church of Virginia Beach, VA was started in the early 1990's. Pastor Joe Campbell and the Chandler congregation invested in a pioneer pastor named Carl Milliman who came here by faith with his wife and planted the church. Over the years, other pastors have labored, prayed, planted, sown and laid the foundation for what we are experiencing today. God has been very gracious to us by building a powerful group of people that are faithful to the calling that's been set before us. Would you join us?
Our three-fold vision is driven directly from scripture: winning souls, making disciples and planting churches. We exist to help every believer become proficient in fulfilling these mandates.
This most-basic part of the life of faith is inter-woven into everything that we do. We start every weekday with a corporate morning prayer meeting. The church building is open from 6:30 to 8:00 AM specifically for this purpose. We encourage every believer to start the day off right with time spent in the presence of our King.
We also open our building one hour before every service for a time of corporate prayer to cry out to God for the needs of each and every church service. This is not a secondary event, this is how we invite the power and the presence of the living God into our services. We invite you to join us!
In a religious world that is hesitant to lay any burdens, demands, or responsibilities on its attendees, we take a more biblical approach. We recognize up front that you cannot be called a disciple of Christ unless you are willing to lay down your entire life for the sake of the Gospel. This is a high calling and will take a lot of your time and energy. if you are looking for a low-commitment church, we are not for you. We are seeking laborers for the harvest field!
We are not affiliated with any large-scale denomination, but we are unabashedly Pentecostal in our beliefs and practices. That means we are confident that anything you see in the Book of Acts church is possible and available to our congregation today. We perpetually contend for supernatural gifts of healing, tongues, interpretation, and evangelism.
Discipleship is the most effective way to win the world for Jesus. It includes teaching, but is far more than teaching,