The Good Shepherd

Last night, I preached a message that has been on my mind and my heart as we approach another new year. King David the Psalmist framed his relationship with God in this way, "The Lord is my shepherd", and in doing so, continues to give us revelation about our lives in the Kingdom of God.

1. The Righteous are God's Sheep - This is not exactly a compliment if you know anything about sheep. You'll never find a "Mighty Sheep" as a high school mascot, sheep have no natural defense mechanisms, poor eyesight, etc.. It seems like they are destined to be the bottom of the food chain. We people also have many weaknesses, if only we are willing to admit them. One of the most empowering things you could ever do is to realize your limitations, embrace them and put yourself under the authority of a good shepherd. Because, after all, a sheep under the care of a shepherd finds himself enjoying great freedom and blessing.

He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.  He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. [Ps 23:2,3]



2. We are all called to "Shepherdhood" - A pastor is a shepherd to the church. An elder or deacon is a shepherd within the body. A husband is a shepherd to his wife. Parents are shepherds to their children. A teacher is a shepherd to his students. An employer is a shepherd his employees. An older child is a shepherd to his younger bothers and sisters. Anyone who leads in anyway is a shepherd who is responsible for the care of another. How are you leading the sheep that God has given under your care?

With these things in mind, I want to take these last few weeks of the year to renew the sacred shepherd/sheep relationship with the flock that God has entrusted to me. I will be making time betweeen now and the end of the year to hold pastoral meetings with anyone who wishes to do so. These meetings have been extemely helpful to me and to those who have taken advantage of them in the past.

If you're reading this, then you are heartily invited to respond to set up a time that we can meet. I'd like to have individual meetings with everyone, and also meetings with married couples. Please contact me to setup the date/time of your meeting. Looking forward to it!


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Don't Go It Alone!