Time to Pray, Think, and Vote!


It's hard to overstate the importance of tomorrow's election for Christians. With both the Senate and the House in Republican hands, President Trump has been able to make remarkable strides in advancing the cause of the sanctity of life and the cause of religious liberty. He has put originalist judges on the Supreme Court and on the lower courts. He has made strong moves to protect our borders and restrict illegal immigration. He has revived our economy and strengthened our military.

Get the AFA Action iVoterGuide for all the information you need to vote your values!

This election is just too important for God's people to sit out. Be sure you go to the polls and encourage your friends to do the same. We have a historic opportunity right now to put lawmakers in office who not only share our values but have a majority in both houses of Congress. Don't squander this opportunity!


Count It All Joy - Pastor Louie Lobato - Sermon Notes


Missions in Action