Day 3 – Name Giver
Adam Names the Animals
Diversity of the Animal Kingdom
God created an incredibly diverse animal kingdom, from bats, to baboons, to beluga whales. His originality is displayed in so many different species that we continue to discover throughout the world. What is surprising, though, is God's decision to create them without naming them. Everything else that God had made up to that point in Genesis 2 had been created and then named. From the stars, to the planets, even the man himself had received their titles from the original Mind. But the naming rights for the animal kingdom were given to another, to Adam. Whatever Adam named them, that was the name that stuck, God honored it.
We have a similar ability as image-bearers of a Creator who speaks things into existence. Have you forgotten how important God said your words are? He still allows us to name the things that He brings to us. Did He bring you a difficult situation? You could name it your burden, or you could name it your opportunity to overcome. Whatever you name it, God will honor your name.
One thing that sets humanity apart from the animal kingdom is our supernatural ability of speech and communication. Your words can steer the direction of your life based on your naming ability. Your challenge today is to be a positive Name-Giver.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21
For more on this topic, please listen to the message from last night.