Day 5 – Resisting Temptation with Words


 “But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ ”” –Luke‬ ‭4:4‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Have you experienced temptation? Many times the only way to effectively escape temptation is with your words of life. More specifically, the Words of God spoken from your own mouth. We often assume that our church attendance, tokens in the offering plate, or our appearance of righteousness will assist in some way when temptation arises. We are wrong.

Jesus faced the most attractive temptations of all time, offered by Satan himself, the king of this world. His response to the greatest temptor was not quiet reflection, it was powerful words of life, memorized from scripture, spoken out loud at the perfect moment.

If we are to effectively resist the strategies of hell, it will only be in the same way. Where to the words of life come from? We would do well to practice memorizing scripture that we can use in the right time in the right place. Scripture is like ammunition. Your mouth is the firearm. Don’t ever find yourself in a war with an unarmed weapon. Your challenge today is to begin memorizing scripture so that you are able to Speak Life when the time comes.

Hint: Use this awesome smartphone app for memorizing scripture


Day 6 – The Pursuit of Perfection


Day 4 – Speaking Life Into Dry Bones