Decisions Make Disciples

Our theme for 2025 and a Sunday School Series to illuminate the collection of decisions that Christ-Followers must make to become true disciples of Jesus

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What is this course?

What is this course? ✳

Pastor Adam Dragoon

Each chapter represents a decision that God calls us to make in order to become disciples of Jesus. This course will bring you further into the destiny that God has for you.

Course FAQ

  • The idea from the New Testament is that a disciple is a follower, a learner, and an imitator of his teacher.

  • Many people of faith call themselves Christians, but don’t identify with the term discipleship. This is exactly backwords. Jesus called his followers disciples, and the term “Christian” was made up by the mockers and critics of the newfound faith in the 1st Century.

    Every believer should embrace the name and the calling to discipleship.

  • This course comes directly from a Sunday School in our local church in Virginia Beach, VA. One crucial aspect of discipleship is that God uses OTHER PEOPLE to make disciples. Jesus said, “I will build my church.” Then, in the Great Commission, he commanded his church to “Go and make disciples of every nation”.

    This course might be helpful to you, but it is not enough. You should seek out spiritual leaders in your life and your church to guide you in this journey of discipleship.

    If you don’t have a church, please take a look at this map to see if there is one near you.