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God & Country Presentation in Washington, D.C.

Join us for an exciting day of worship and patriotism

Saturday, July 28


First, a few pictures from previous God & Country Events in 2013, 2015, and 2016:

It's time again for the annual God & Country event in Washington, D.C.! The event will take place on the steps in front of the Lincoln Memorial, started promptly at 11AM. This year, festivities will include a concert, a US Navy Color Guard & Drill Team performance, testimonies from combat veterans and active duty personnel, and biblical preaching in the heart of our nation's capitol.

We would like to have as many active duty or veterans in uniform as possible. If you still have your uniform or are currently active duty, please wear it to the event so we can honor your service. Pastor Colona has also put out a call to any saved military personnel that have been in combat give a short testimony on the sacrifice that they have seen in a time of war and also acknowledge the sacrifice that Christ made for them. If this applies to you and you would like to attend. Please contact me ASAP so I can get you involved.

When the event concludes, the group from our church here in Virginia Beach will eat some lunch and then make a trip to the newly opened Museum of the Bible. It is only a two-mile walk from the God & Country event and is well worth the time and effort to visit while we are in the area. We expect to be back in Virginia Beach around 11PM.

There is no cost for this trip, except for transportation. Please let me know if you are interested in pooling our resources to rent a passenger van to minimize transportation costs.

We hope you can join us for this exciting Saturday filled with God and Country!

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