Inspired by the powerful true story, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, follows Donna and Reverend Martin as they ignite a fire in the hearts of their rural church to embrace kids in the foster system that nobody else would take. By doing the impossible–adopting 77 children–this East Texas community proved that, with real, determined love, the battle for America’s most vulnerable can be won.
Following this film's showing, we will ask for your help to raise an offering for The Sound of Hope Impact Fund. We invite you to join us in helping end the foster crisis.
Fast Facts:
Inspired by the true story of Bishop and First Lady Donna Martin, and their tiny Bennett Chapel church, in the town of Possum Trot in the woods of East Texas.
Twenty two families linked arms and courageously adopted seventy seven of the most difficult-to-place children in the local foster care system
76 kids were adopted between 1998-2000. Another was adopted in 2011. The Martins have 2 biological children and adopted 4 during this time period.
This act ignited a national movement for vulnerable children that continues today.
Executive produced by Letitia Wright (BLACK PANTHER)
Directed, written, and produced by Joshua Weigel (THE BUTTERFLY CIRCUS) for Peacetree Productions.