It's Not Over Yet

"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." – Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭31‬ ESV

Gloria Blanchard – Circa 1971

Gloria Blanchard – Circa 1971

My Grandmother passed away on December 23rd, 2015 due to complications with cancer. Although I saw the decline in her health, I didn't know that my Grandma was going to leave this soon. She was my rock, my confidant, my friend, my Mom, my Dad, my everything. I didn't see how I was going to get by without her. She raised me, took care of me, and sheltered me for 18 years. I asked God, "How am I going to make it on my own? How am I going to graduate from high school? How is my walk with you going to be different? What is going to become of me ?"

And through my questions and worrying, God spoke to me through a song called It's Not Over Yet by For King and Country.

The chorus goes like this : " Oh, to anyone who thinks their finished , it's not over yet , it's not over yet. To anyone who's hit their limit, it's not over yet, it's not over yet. Keep on fighting, out of the dark, into the light, it's not over... Hope is rising, never give in, never give up, it's not over". (See the video below)

God gave me the peace that surpasses all understanding.

God gave me the peace that surpasses all understanding. He has been sheltering me and healing me through my grieving process. When I first found out that my Grandmother had cancer I was defeated, hurt, worried and broken. I was mad that that amazing woman, out of all people on earth, got cancer. I was mad that it wasn't detected sooner. I was mad because I felt like it was the beginning of the end.  I was only a couple of months saved then so I was new to the idea of trusting God. Now, two years and two months into my salvation, God has moved powerfully in my life. My walk with Him has gotten stronger than it has ever been and I am forever grateful. If it wasn't for God helping me to mature and grow, I wouldn't have witnessed to my Grandma or planted the seed of salvation.

I prayed for my Grandma to repent of her sins before she left this earth... And she did! God's wonderful gift of salvation showered upon my Grandmother before she left this earth and now I can say in total confidence that she is in Heaven with Him.

And I can also say for my family that although she is gone, it's not over yet for us. I know as for God and I, it's not over yet for me.


Remaining Pure - My Story


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