End of Day Two

Wow. Only four sermons have been preached so far, but it feels like we've received far more ministry than that.

I need to acknowledge how powerful it is to gather together with brethren that have a similar spirit and heartbeat for the Gospel. To be in that massive tent with thousands of other workers that are laboring along with us is to feel part of a great movement of God. I believe that this is a true preview of what Heaven will be like as the nations are gathered together under one banner for the eternal cause if Christ.

Today's ministry impacted me in a couple of ways. Pastor Nigel Brown exposed a powerful truth about the ability that wealth can have especially to those who have had long-term struggles with poverty in the past. It can trap you into being unwilling to risk for God. Pastor Glenn Cluck then challenged the conference body to contend for prophetic words spoken in faith. The final morning seminar today was preached by Pastor Paul Stephens from El Paso, TX. His message powerfully reminded me of the open doors that God has provided to this fellowship. One of the defining characteristics of our fellowship is that we have historically been positioned to step thought the doors that god has opened to us. Nogales, Perth, Amsterdam, Brasov.. All these are examples of incredible doors that were opened by God. The hard thing for us though is that God is still opening doors for us and it is possible for us to miss them! What doors of effectual ministry has God opened up to you that your are currently unaware of or insensitive to?

We were also blessed to able to eat lunch with Kevin Burris. He and his wife and new baby girl are planting a new church in VA Beach in the next coming weeks. It was a great opportunity to get to know our future co-laborer and to invite him to preach for us!

Pastor Campbell rounded out the evening with another great message challenging us to hear the voice of God. How often do we ignore or tune out what God wants to speak to us? Let us like Samuel be able to say, "speak, Lord, for your servant is listening".

Can't wait until tomorrow.


Coming to the End


Prescott Conference - Day 2