Coming to the End
"Follow me," said The Lord. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To the grave."
Dying to self is really the only way be truly productive and fruitful in the Kingdom of God. We think that the only way to die to ourselves is by relocating to the slums of India or preaching to the jungles of Ecuador. The reality is that dying to self is done in the daily mundane decisions of life which might include:
-Giving up your busily planned Saturday to knock on doors in an outreach.
-Choosing to not purchase that shiny trinket so you can go on an impact team or give an offering.
-Deciding to join yourself to a body of believers (no matter how small), being accountable, rather than existing in sweet isolation and comfort.
The greatness of resurrection life and power cannot happen without a corpse. Death to self is the key that unlocks the power of God in your life.
What is still in your life that needs to die?
Prescott, AZ Sunrise