Never Again is Now - Time to WAKE UP!

Today's Holocausts

When the history books were written about WWII, the world promised... NEVER AGAIN! Never again would we allow a holocaust to happen under our noses. In 2015, we are letting it happen again on a much larger scale. 

A Christian Holocaust

Are you aware of what is happening to the once-thriving Christian community in Iraq and Syria? There is a new genocide that is happening in the very cradle where Christianity was born. Check it out:

And the American Government doesn't seem to care:

The following text comes from Johnnie Moore's book, Defying ISIS:

The dictionary defines martyr as “a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs.” In the sixteenth century, a Christian “book of martyrs” was famously compiled by John Foxe to insure that subsequent generations of Christians would never forget the tragic stories of those who had given life and limb for the cause of Christ. Foxe begins his classic with these words:
“(The) Church has endured and held its testimony of Christ through every attack brought against it. Its passage through the storms caused by violent anger and hate has been glorious to see, and much of its history is written in this book so that the wonderful works of God might be to Christ’s glory and that the knowledge of the experiences of the Church’s martyrs might have a beneficial effect upon its readers and strengthen their Christian faith.”
Foxe’s book has been passed down through generations of Christians. Millions have read and told its stories, and told them as legends from a bygone era. We have celebrated their faith and heroism, and thanked God that we didn’t live in an era where our faith might cause us to be thrown to lions, crucified, beheaded, sold as slaves, impaled on stakes, or buried alive.

Yet, as a shame to our modern world, this barbarism persists; history is replaying itself in places like Iraq and in Syria, and we’re witnessing a new Foxe’s Book of Martyrs being written every single day at the hands of terrorists who intend on giving both Christians, and everyone else, one option: convert or die. 

We need to get involved! Pray, fast and give! Mercury One Charities is raising funds to rescue these persecuted Christians from the horrors of ISIS. Check it out here.


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