Revival in the Air

It all starts tonight!

Tonight we welcome you to "Welcome Back" service that we have dubbed, "The Night to Invite". Evangelist Richard Brooks has a gift for stirring the pot, adding fire and zeal to churches and saints that have sunken into lethargy and mechanical routine. Tonight's service starts at 7:30 PM, with prayer at 6:30 PM. Anyone who brings a first time visitor (or someone who hasn't been around for 3 months or more) is going to get an awesome VBPH T-Shirt.

Revival Starts Sunday Morning

Revival, as defined by Webster's incomparable 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, means:

Return, recall or recovery to life from death or apparent death; as the revival of a drowned person.
Renewed and more active attention to religion; an awakening of men to their spiritual concerns.

Only in the Gospel of Jesus Christ do we have the opportunity to experience such renewal on a constant and regular basis. I would dare say that part of the human condition is that we are constantly being pulled down to the pit of destruction by the gravity of monotony and religion.

That's why we are so looking forward to these services beginning tomorrow, Sunday, Oct. 30th at 11AM and then continuing in the evening at 6:30PM. The services will then go through the week, Monday through Wednesday, each night at 7:30PM. We can guarantee that you will be mightily blessed and inspired through these services. Don't miss one of them!


Time for Self-Review


A Few Thoughts