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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

How to trust God [Even when it makes no sense]

Originally preached in our Sunday Evening service on April 14, 2024.

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 17:24-27 (NKJV):

When they had come to Capernaum, those who received the [temple] tax came to Peter and said, "Does your Teacher not pay the [temple] tax?" 25 He said, "Yes." And when he had come into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, "What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes, from their sons or from strangers?" 26 Peter said to Him, "From strangers." Jesus said to him, "Then the sons are free. 27 "Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you."


This sermon discusses the importance of not allowing highs to be too high and lows to be too low. It emphasizes the need for maturity in handling both good and bad times. The story of Rick Rescorla, who planned the evacuation of Morgan Stanley Bank during the 9/11 attacks, is used as an example of someone who had a plan in place before a crisis occurred. The sermon also explores the story of Jesus and Peter paying the temple tax, highlighting the importance of following God's instructions and trusting Him to provide.


  • Maturity involves not allowing highs to be too high and lows to be too low.

  • Having a plan in place before a crisis occurs is a mark of maturity.

  • Following God's instructions and trusting Him to provide are key to navigating difficult situations.

  • God is faithful and works things out behind the scenes beyond our understanding.



Adam Dragoon (00:00.494)

Thanks for listening to the Sermon Podcast from the Potter's House Church in Virginia Beach. Our vision is winning souls, making disciples, and planning churches. You're about to hear a message that was preached live from one of our recent church services. We hope that you'll open your heart to hear the Holy Spirit speaking directly through this message. Stay tuned after the message for information on how to get connected with us. Thanks again, and enjoy today's message. Let's open up our Bibles this evening. I want you to turn with me.

to the book of Matthew, chapter 17. Matthew, chapter 17.

One of the marks of maturity in life is to not allow the highs to not be too high and the lows to be too low. One of the marks of immaturity is that when you go through something great, you get up to the top of the mountaintop and often want to spend too much time there. Or when it goes, when life goes down into the valley and things get dark and scary,

We have the tendency to freak out in that moment and to lose all hope and faith and trust. That's a mark of immaturity. How many remember what it felt like as a teenager that when you felt, when you were going through a hard time, it felt like it was the end of the world. And also when things went well for you, it felt like things could never get better. I can remember distinctly feeling that way as a young person.

And what I realized, you know, as you grow up a little bit more is there are good times, there are bad times, but the Lord is faithful through it all. One of the marks of maturity, I believe, is to have in the back of your mind even through the good days and even in the bad days, when there's enough money in the bank, when there's not enough money in the bank, when the rent is paid, and when the rent is due, you know what I'm saying? Like when your wife loves you,

Adam Dragoon (02:04.91)

And when your wife is upset with you, when your family enjoys your presence, and when they wish you would go away, to figure out that God is still working things out. That there is a process, and we are part of that process. And that God is faithful to help us through some things. We're going to read a scripture about how God works out a certain situation, and I believe it will encourage you tonight.

This story comes out of September 11th, but long before September 11th ever happened, there was a man named Rick Rescorla. He was 62 -year -old head of security at the Morgan Stanley Bank, and he developed a very specific evacuation plan for the bank. The offices of Morgan Stanley Bank were situated in the South Tower at World Trade Center in New York City. And when he...

uh... learned about the intelligence that was available to everyone at that time that there was some crazy dude out in the middle east somewhere named Osama bin Laden and he had a plan to use jet planes to try to destroy the World Trade Center but when everybody else thought that that was crazy this guy heard that and said I'm the head of security I need to make plans and he did he made plans uh... to have his bank

be able to evacuate in the case of a plane hitting the tower. So on that day, that fateful day, September 11th, 2001, when American Airline Flight 11 hit the World Trade Center Tower 1 at 846 a .m., this man, Rick Rascorla, he ignored all the building officials' advice to stay put. That was the advice at the moment, stay put. But he began instead to...

to put into action the plan that he had already made, the orderly evacuation of Morgan Stanley's 2 ,800 employees on 20 floors of World Trade Center Tower 2. He started that plan in motion, and there was also 1 ,000 other employees in World Trade Center Building Number 5. And on that day, he put the word out to all of the employees of that bank. He said, be proud to be an American.

Adam Dragoon (04:27.63)

Everyone will be talking about you tomorrow. He's saying God bless America over his security radio and on his bullhorn to help people stay calm as they left the building and of all 2800 employees of Morgan Stanley's Bank every single one of them Ended up reaching safety outside the buildings The last that we heard from this man He was last seen heading up the stairs of the 10th floor of the collapsing World Trade Center

tower number two to go make sure that there was nobody else left and he died that day he was the only one of the whole bank that passed away and uh... what i want you to get out of that story is here's a man that there was all these people working in that bank they didn't know they could not foresee but he was thinking ahead he made a plan for their well -being long before uh... even without their knowledge he had a plan and put it into motion

And this is what I want to share with you tonight from our scripture. We survey God who puts plans into motion. He is working things out behind the scenes beyond our ability to understand. And you've got to be able to trust him in the difficult parts of life. Let's read this story from the life of Jesus. Matthew 17 beginning with verse 24. So when they had come to Capernaum, those who received the temple tax came to Peter and said,

Does your teacher not pay the temple tax? He said yes. And when he had come into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes? Do they take them from sons or from strangers? Peter said to him, From strangers. Jesus said to him, Then the sons are free. Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, casting a hook.

and take up that fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money. Take that, give it to them for me and for you. Let's pray tonight. Father, we come by the blood of Jesus. I thank you, Lord, that you are a God who is able to provide. You're able to see our needs even ahead of time. God, you are already working out a plan to meet every need that is facing us this week, this month, and this year.

Adam Dragoon (06:54.766)

Lord, I pray just give us the faith to trust you, God, in all things and God, to steady our hearts tonight for whatever may come. We give you glory. We give you praise in Jesus' mighty name. That's what people would say. Amen. This is a message I've titled, Working It Out. We believe in a God that works things out. Now, just to give you some context of what's happening in the scripture, there was a reason why they needed some money on this day.

there was a temple tax says that the leaders who uh... who were in charge of this temple tax came to peter they asked him does your teacher not pay the temple tax and he said yes now you something you should know about this temple taxes so that we understand uh... the the details of this story this temple tax was not a lot a lot of money it was half of a silver coin uh... in today's money that would be something like ten dollars or less

So it was not nothing, but it also wasn't that big of a deal. A $10 temple tax. It was minimal. It was something that most people would not have to worry a whole lot about. But there's something that you should take away from this scripture, which is very important for us to understand, and that is that Jesus didn't have it. He didn't have $10 to his name to pay the temple tax, neither did the disciples. And so I don't know if there's anyone...

Convinced by the prosperity doctrine, but I don't know how that works out in the prosperity gospel Jesus didn't have ten dollars to pay the temple tax on that day He knows what it's like to be in need Did you hear what I said? He knows what it's like to be in need So when you find yourself in need whether that's financial need or otherwise You can go to Jesus. He knows what that feels like and so the question that they asked Peter that day is

does your teacher not pay the temple tax? They assumed that Jesus was not going to pay it. And even Jesus begins to explain, he tells a little parable to Peter to explain why actually he shouldn't need to pay this temple tax. And this is how he understands that. He says in verse 25, what do you think Simon? Who do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes from? From their sons.

Adam Dragoon (09:22.158)

or from strangers. In other words, if you're the king and you're the one taking up taxes, who do you take the taxes from? You don't take them from your kids in the palace. That would be silly. You don't get taxes from your direct family members. You get it from all the people of the kingdom. And so Jesus is making the point here, I'm the son of God, so if anyone doesn't need to pay this tax, it's me.

I don't need to, I'm not required to. The father would be okay if I refused. There's no necessity for me to pay the tax. However, the Bible says this, in order to not offend the temple tax collectors, he decided we're going to pay this. So there is a lesson here that we should learn before we move forward.

And that is that there are some things in our Christian lives, there are some things that we are not obligated to do, but would still be a good idea. You are not obligated to do everything, but how many understand there are such things as a good way to live and a better way to live. And it is very often the case that we let the good way to live become the enemy of the better or the best way to live. Jesus says, I'm not required.

Truth be told, if I didn't pay this tax, I wouldn't be sinning. My father would still be okay with me. But if there is a road between not paying the tax, causing a scene, perhaps causing other people to question my authority, versus I just pay the 10 bucks and cause this problem to go away, he says I'd rather do that. And there's a powerful lesson there sometimes for us to understand. It's how many of the conflicts of our life would just go away,

If we would do the thing that we don't have to do. If we would just stop being lazy sometimes and do a little bit of hard work and put in some extra effort. And when, you know, when the Roman soldier asks you to walk with him one mile, you say, you know what, I'll go with you two miles. Or when he asks of you, your cloak, Jesus said, you give him your tunic also. Do we have to do that? Is that required to get to heaven? No.

Adam Dragoon (11:45.23)

But it's a difference between a good way to live and the best way to live. And I believe some Christians can learn from that even here tonight. There are some areas, many areas of Christian liberty that, you know, we have been made, we have been set free in Christ. Thank God. The truth sets us free and we are truly free indeed in Christ. But there are some things that Paul says, it's better for me not to get involved even though I can do things, I don't do things for the sake of Christ.

of others. He makes this point in Romans chapter 14 verse 21, it is better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else if it might cause another believer to stumble. You may believe there's nothing wrong with what you're doing, but keep it between yourself and God. Blessed are those who don't feel guilty for doing something they have decided is right. But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning.

if you go ahead and do it for you are not following your convictions if you do anything you believe is not right you are sitting polls making a point here he's saying listen there's a good way to live and there's a better way to live he's saying okay are you might be able to eat meat or drink wine and still get to heaven but what about the christian brother who doesn't believe in those things what about those who are weak in faith and they see someone uh... who is uh... uh...

more advanced in the faith we could say. Paul says, hey, you should keep that to yourself. You know, don't be broadcasting that to the whole church. 1 Corinthians 8 verse 6, he says, we know that there is only one God and the Father who created everything, we live for Him. There's only one Lord Jesus Christ through whom God made everything. However, not all believers know this. Some are accustomed to thinking of idols as being real.

So when they eat food that has been offered to idols, they think that this is the worship of real gods and their weak conscience is violated. So it's true that we can't win God's approval by what we eat. We don't lose anything if we don't eat it. And we don't gain anything if we do. But you must be careful so that your freedom does not cause others with a weaker conscience to stumble. Paul says there's more here at play.

Adam Dragoon (14:08.718)

than just what your personal convictions are. You live among a people that are looking at you. Can I tell you, Christian parents, your children are watching you. You might be able to survive watching this movie or that movie, but you better be careful what you allow your kids to watch with you. What you say is okay. You know, Lot, Lot went down to Sodom, and he figured I can make a pretty good killing down there.

I can make some money. And you know, Lot was able to survive Sodom. You know who didn't survive? His wife and his four daughters. He was able to go to Sodom and survive. But his family was destroyed as a result. Right? And this is what we're talking about. Paul says that there are those who are weaker in the faith, both in the church and even in our family. We look at little people across this congregation here tonight. That God is preparing a future and a destiny for them.

What did Jesus say for those of us who cause little ones to stumble? It would be better for them, better for them to have a millstone hung around their neck and cast into the sea. Paul said, if what I eat causes someone else to sin, I will never eat meat again as long as I live. I don't want to cause another believer to stumble.

He says, the way that I live has a profound effect on other people, especially a man who is in spiritual leadership as a church planter. He's an example. He's a man of faith. He's been around for a while. So what he does has an effect on people's lives, like it or not. Charles Barkley was famous for saying, I am not a role model. Well, if you are a public, visible person, you are a role model, like it or not. And as a father, as a mother,

as a as a adult in the church people are looking at your life they're listening to how you speak they're watching what you say what are your convictions and so it's important for people that that we understand this Jesus said I don't need to pay this tax but you know what I don't want there to be any misunderstandings I don't want there to be an appearance of evil I don't want people to get the wrong idea so I'll pay the stupid tax

Adam Dragoon (16:30.958)

It's 10 bucks anyway, what's the big deal? Sometimes, just pay the tax, man. Just do the thing you don't want to do, what's the big deal? We need to set examples that will bring life and not death. And that's why in our personal lives we set a high bar. We set an example that is high enough for people to reach to so that when it comes time for...

our children or the next generation of disciples to set their level of convictions that they're going to at least stretch beyond where they are now. See, if you go to a church where the expectations are low, if you go to a church like what Andre described, a former church he went to, where the pastor was sleeping with all the ladies in the congregation, you know, that's a pretty low bar. Or you go to a congregation where there's no accountability.

financially or the preacher doesn't pray. Like where's the bar? Where do we set the expectation then? If the preacher's not doing right, then where's the congregation gonna go? That's the problem. And so in our Christian faith, we have to raise up the expectations so that others can look to our example. We know that ultimately Christ is our savior. He is where our convictions come from. He is the savior.

but he does speak to other people through us. And so let's look then at the reason for a reaction. So in response to this demand, the pockets of Jesus are empty. And so he is going to perform a miracle. And I love this miracle. It only takes one verse to tell, but it has so much truth in it. Jesus is about to produce a coin in a fish's mouth. Now what's amazing about this miracle?

think about this he's going to pay the temple tax it's a half a silver coin it's worth about ten dollars in today's money now if Jesus wanted to he could have said Peter give me your hand and he could have put his hand and he could have said in Jesus or he said in my name a silver coin and poof there it is he could have done that he could have said father cause a coin to fall from heaven right there.

Adam Dragoon (18:57.742)

He could have done that if he wanted to. He could have sent, uh, San Gabriel, tell him to bring a coin or two, maybe a couple extras while you're at it, Father, and just put them right here in my pocket so that he could pay the temple tax. But that's not how Jesus did this. There is a reason, there is, uh, there is, uh, there is something unique about this method that teaches us something here tonight. The way that God is going to provide for their need that day is he's gonna tell Peter,

fishing. Now we know about Peter. Peter is a fisherman, isn't he? Oh, I know how to do some fishing. Now, normally Peter is a commercial fisherman. He's going to use nets to bring in a large catch. But in this case, Jesus says, we're not going for a massive net full of fish here. We just need the one. So Jesus tells him, tells the fisherman how to go fish. How about that? How about when Jesus tells you,

to do the thing that you know how to do pretty well. And so Jesus tells Peter, he says, go to the sea, put in a hook, and the next fish that comes up first, take that one. I love this. I love it because it requires for Peter to follow some instructions. It requires Peter to believe the words of Jesus, to take him at his word, and to follow some instructions. He asked Peter to do something.

to step out in faith. He didn't say, you know, in my name, produce that silver coin and poof, there it was. He said, no, Peter, I want you to go down to the sea and pull a fish out of the water. And this is often how God works, isn't it? When we need a miracle, God is going to require a step of faith from you. He is going to ask you to do something which might seem trivial.

or meaningless. Peter already knows how to do it. I've done this a thousand times, Lord. It's like I've been casting all night on the one side of the boat. What's the difference if I put it on the other side? Jesus. And Jesus said, put it the other side of the boat. And he said, well, I've been doing this all night, but you know what? You're Jesus, so I'm going to give it a try. You've got to have that willingness in your life to follow the instruction even when you're frustrated, even when you're stressed out, even when the taxes come due.

Adam Dragoon (21:22.638)

Even when it seems like things are not going the right way, you've got to be able to hear the voice of God and follow those instructions. It's Abram when God says, go out from your country to a land I will show you. It's such a, it's an action that requires great faith because Abram has to get all of his stuff, all of his family, all of his...

Belongings and pack them up and go move out from the land where he's been living. He's 70 years old. Have you ever moved? That stinks man, especially 70 years old and especially when there's no uhaul

And so he's got to put all of his stuff on the back of a camel and walk for years maybe to get to the place where he's going. But it was there that God had a plan for him. Are you willing to go out to a place you don't even know where you're going yet? The children of Israel, they have to go out of Egypt and they're not going directly to the promised land, are they? First stop is the wilderness. We don't like the wilderness part. Can we just skip over to the?

land flowing with the milk and honey part? Can we get to that part first? Can we get to the part where there's the wells that we didn't dig and the houses we didn't build? Can we just go, can we skip the whole starving and thirsting in the desert part? Could we just, is that okay? Is there a helicopter or something you could take us over, Lord? How many know? There's no shortcuts. We have to follow the path that God sets out before us. The disciples, Jesus said, put down your nets and follow me.

There was a cost, there was a price to pay, there was a cutting off of the old life. See, all of these, these miracles, they come when people are willing to step into the action that God calls them to. For the rich young ruler, here's an example of someone who was unwilling to follow his instructions. This young ruler comes to Jesus and Jesus is kind to him.

Adam Dragoon (23:26.478)

calls him teacher, rabbi, what must I do to inherit eternal life? And he says, follow the commandments, honor your father and mother, gives him a list of things to do, and he says, rabbi, I've been faithful to do all these things. Great, good job. I've got one more thing for you to try. And to this man, he said, sell all that you have, give to the poor, come follow me. Here's a man, he received an instruction that he didn't follow. For whatever reason, maybe,

the grip of material possession was on him. Maybe he had too much attachment to this world, but bottom line is he walked away sorrowfully that day because he couldn't follow the simple instruction that Jesus put before him. Can I ask you a question tonight? Are you willing to follow the simple instruction that Jesus puts in front of you in order to see the miracle? To the man with the withered hand, stretch forth your hand. To the man at the pool,

of Siloam, do you want to be made well? Pick up your bed and walk. Jesus leaves the decision in your court because it requires faith tonight. Miracles are awaiting for those who will abandon the natural explanation in order to follow Christ. Peter was able to walk on water one day. Do you remember that story? For all of his faults and his failures and their

multitude of them. He's the only one that walked on water, at least for a few steps. But you know, he couldn't walk on water without getting out of the boat. You know why? He was willing to do something that the others were not. And therefore he saw the miracle power of God. Now when we are willing to follow God's instructions, I want to tell you there's no limit to God's ability to

to provide for his people. I just want you to think about what was necessary for this miracle to happen. Now, I think that this could have happened one of two ways. I tend to think it's more one way than the other. It's possible, I suppose, that Peter put the fishing line into the sea and there was a little fish swimming by and he chomped down on that hook and God said, okay, there's the fish. That's the one.

Adam Dragoon (25:51.214)

And God miraculously, bam, abracadabra, poof, puts the coin into that fish's mouth for Peter to pull it out. I don't think that's how it happened. I think that God is much more powerful than that. I think that the story started when somebody was out on a boat and there was a wave that knocked him over and he had half a drachma in his pocket and it fell out.

And it could have been weeks before, months before, we don't know how long, and it fell out and it floated down to the bottom of the sea. That was step number one. It could have been weeks, it could have been years ago, we don't know how long. But God knows where every lost coin is, in every bottom of every sea. Then the next step is, there was some fish swimming along, and he saw something shiny on the bottom of the sea. And the fish,

He gets curious and he swoops down and he goes, and we don't know how long, maybe it got stuck in his throat. You know, fish can still survive with things stuck in their throat because they have gills. And so we don't know, maybe a day, maybe three, maybe a week, maybe two weeks before this whole incident took place. But there was some fish swimming around in the sea that already had the coin stuck in his mouth. How crazy is that? How many fish were in that sea?

probably a few hundred, a few thousand. And so this moment comes along and Peter puts out his line, there's a hook on the end, and it just so happens that right where that hook lands is exactly the spot where this fish that already had the coin, that had already been dropped into the sea, then that fish bites on that hook and that's the fish that he pulls out of the water.

Are you following all of the steps that God did in order to make sure that his son Jesus could pay the temple tax? Do you know why God put all of those things in motion? Because he cares about his son Jesus. Now here's the good news tonight. If God can do that for his son Jesus, that means he can also do it for you.

Adam Dragoon (28:13.262)

I love that Megan testified tonight. For a year and a half she's been worried about where she's gonna go, where she's gonna live. She's been asking for prayer, where am I gonna go, where am I gonna live? And for a year and a half, God has been preparing a coin in the fish's mouth. And just like that, here it comes, done. And I wanna tell you, that didn't come for free, that didn't come without her making some phone calls, without her doing some work on her side, right? And maybe not doing everything in the right.

order and time and not doing everything perfectly, but God can prepare an answer for your need. Let me ask you right now, you look at your life, what needs? Financial needs? Is there a solution to a problem that you can't figure out? And you think that, man, I've got, this is so difficult, this is so complex, it's like a bowl of spaghetti and all I got is one noodle to pull on.

How is this gonna work out, man? I wanna tell you, God is smarter than you. God is bigger than you. God is richer than you. He has resources. And you know, God knew that this problem was gonna happen in your life a million years ago. He knew about it. He was aware of it. We serve a God who is Jehovah Jireh. Now we, you know, we sing that name in songs and we can put that name.

in our prayer life and it has a meaning and sometimes we attach it with the idea that you know God is just going to send us thousand dollar checks in the mail but you know what the name Jehovah Jireh really means? The name Jehovah is the name of the Lord and the word Jireh it means the one who is able to see and to provide to see and to provide even the English word provide

has the thought of vision, right? Pro means to see forward or ahead, and vidae, the Latin root, means vision, to see something ahead of time. And so Jehovah Jireh, where he got this name is from the incident of Abraham taking his son Isaac up the mountain, and poor Isaac, he's looking at dear old dad and he says, I see the wood, I see the fire, but where's the sacrifice?

Adam Dragoon (30:37.678)

And he's starting to put things together. I've got a problem here. Abraham is saying to Isaac, we just got to believe God, man. Well, I don't know. What are we going to do? God told me to bring you up here. So I'm just following the instructions. He lays his son on the altar, binds him. He lifts up the knife. Genesis 18, you read it for yourself. Make sure I'm getting the story right. He lifts up the knife. And at the last moment, when he has proven that he's serious, that he's going to follow God's command,

Then God stops him and they turn their eyes over and there's a bush over there at the top of the mountain. And in the bush is a ram caught in the thickets. God has seen this problem already. That means that poor little lamb, he was stuck there already when they arrived. He had been there already. He was prepared. And that's where Abraham gives God this name, Jehovah -Jireh, the Lord who sees my need.

before it ever existed. You've got to have that kind of trust in your life. You've got to have that kind of faith. Somewhere along the way, God's gonna ask you to trust him, that he's working something out. I can't see it, I can't sense it, I can't figure it out. Guess what? If you could figure it out, then you would be God. But we can't figure it out. He's God, he knows what he's doing. And so the final...

thought then is that we've got to trust him. Matthew 6 verse 8, Jesus rebukes his followers and he says, don't be like those heathen people, don't be like them, for your father knows the things that you have need of before you ask him. Matthew 6 verse 8, Matthew 6 verse 25, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, what you will drink, about your body, what you will put on.

Is life not more than food and body more than clothing? If there are no workers to bring in the harvest, then the fruit will die. Oh, that's the end. Are you worried tonight? What are you worried about? What are you, what are you, what is keeping you up at night? You know, sometimes just one simple instruction to follow Jesus can solve all of the mysteries. I believe in a God who is working all things together.

Adam Dragoon (33:01.486)

Romans 8 verse 28, we know that all things work together for good. Say good tonight. To those who love God and those who are called according to his purpose. Did you know God's working it together? He's working it in your life. He's working something. If you trust him. First Corinthians 2 verse 9 as we close, I has not seen nor ear has heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared.

for those who love him. Did you know God's preparing something for you? He's preparing an answer to your need. He's preparing for the financial need, for the relationship need. He's preparing for the ministry need that is in front of you, for your family's needs. He's preparing. He has not forgotten about you. He has not left you to yourself. We get all these ideas in our head, all of these fears and anxieties, but I tell you, what we should be doing then is anticipating.

See, the reason that Peter could do this is because Peter already had experience with Jesus, didn't he? He had experienced this before. This is toward the end of Jesus' ministry, the story that we just read. So Peter knew what it was like for Jesus to say, cast the net on the other side of the boat, and for him to pull up a catch bigger than he'd ever seen before. Peter knew what it was like when he followed the instructions of Jesus to take the bread, bless it, break it.

and it would multiply to feed five thousand men. He had seen it. He had experienced it. He had touched it and seen the miracle with his own hands. He had seen these miracles and so when Jesus says, hey Peter, I need to provide for this temple tax, what I need you to do then is I need you to go and put a line into the sea. So Peter didn't have a problem with it that day. The problem is many times to the uninitiated or to the inexperienced,

or to those who simply forget God's miracle working power, Peter is not going to say, I forget about it Lord, what's that going to do? How am I going to pay with a fish? See, Jesus didn't explain this before the fish came out of the sea. Peter caught the fish and discovered. And I want to tell you tonight, God does not explain everything to you. He doesn't lay out the plan. He doesn't give you the five -year vision statement.

Adam Dragoon (35:28.622)

All he says is, follow me. And I love how they're depicting that in this chosen series, even in the one we saw yesterday. Jesus is out walking. He knows where he's going. Disciples have no idea. Like, where is he going? Where are we going, guys? And he's marching them down to Caesarea Philippi, and they're like, oh, gates of hell. Are you sure we want to go here, Lord? See, we're not called to understand everything.

We are called to obey. And if we will, I guarantee you tonight, we serve a God who is a provider who is working all things together. Let's bow our heads tonight. We'll close our eyes for just a moment. God's dealing with hearts. Can you be reminded that God is working something out? God is working his plan for his purpose. And what he needs from you is he needs your trust. He needs your faith.

He needs your obedience. If you would simply follow the instructions, I want to tell you, God is faithful. Faithful to help us in our time of need. And before we close this service, I want to ask if there's someone here tonight, the need that you have in your life is a spiritual one. You have a need to be forgiven, to be set free from sin. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. There's nobody here who deserves His mercy and His grace.

His forgiveness, but He is faithful. The Bible says that God loved the world so much that He gave His Son. Whoever would believe on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life. And I wonder if there's anyone here unsaved or backslidden in your heart. You're unsure about your eternal home. Unsure tonight about what's going to happen to you if you pass into eternity to stand before God. You have the opportunity tonight to turn

to the risen Savior. Before we close this service tonight, is there someone here you need this forgiveness of Jesus Christ? You need His mercy and grace on your life. I want to pray with you tonight. Would you lift up your hand? Is there someone here? You're not right with God, but you want to be. Don't miss this opportunity. Would you slip up your hand quickly so I can pray with you? Is there someone here, anyone here at all? God is moving on your heart. Would you lift up your hand? Someone quickly tonight. Believing God to forgive your sins and set you free.

Adam Dragoon (37:57.262)

You've been walking in disobedience and rebellion against God. But He's here tonight to receive you, your faith, your repentance. He is faithful and just to forgive us. One last call. Is there someone here quickly tonight? You need what we're talking about. Don't miss this opportunity to get your heart right. He doesn't deal with us forever. His conviction doesn't last forever. In this moment, don't miss this opportunity. Turn your heart to the Lord. Is that you? Quickly, would you lift up your hand?

before we close this service tonight. Hallelujah. Let me speak. Let me speak to believers here this evening. Oh, church, what pleases our Father in heaven? What pleases Him? More than anything else is not your sacrifice. It's not your discipline. It's not your repetition. It's not your longevity. What pleases our Father most is our obedience.

And there's somebody here tonight that maybe you found yourself in the middle of a need. Maybe like Jesus and Peter in this moment, it's a financial need. I've seen God do financial miracles, unbelievable miracles to supply in exactly the time necessary. I want to tell you, we serve a God who knows exactly where you are and exactly what you need. He will provide when we're faithful. He will ask us to follow His instructions, yes.

But when we do, He is a miracle working God. Maybe it's a relational need, a ministry need, a need at your job, a need in your relationship, your marriage, your home, your children. You find yourself with a bowl of spaghetti on your hands, I don't know how to work this out. But we serve a pretty smart God, a sovereign God. And before your problem was ever made known to you, He already had the solution and He knows how to work it out.

And I want to remind you tonight, all he's asking for is your faith and your obedience. Will you trust him tonight? We're going to open up this altar. If God's dealing with you, would you come? Let's make a space here at this altar to once again declare, Lord, I'm going to trust you in all things. I'm going to follow you. I'm not going to freak out. I'm not going to lose my faith. I'm not going to fall into depression and anxiety.

Adam Dragoon (40:22.798)

how often these stressful situations cause us to react in incorrect ways. I want to challenge you, George. Let's come, let's begin to cry out to the Lord for a few moments as we pray together here at this altar, Lord help me simply to hear your voice and to follow it faithfully. Let's pray for a few moments. You know, one thing that I have noticed is that whenever God does meet our need,

Isn't it great when he does? I mean, it doesn't always work out the way that we think it's gonna work out, right? Because God is God and we are not. Sometimes he leaves some things unfinished. Sometimes he solves the need that we thought could never be solved. But what I'm always amazed at is that the resolution to the problem that I thought was never gonna work out, it's always easier than I thought it was gonna be. Isn't that amazing?

you know i tell people the story of how we got this building you know this building required miracle miracle miracle miracle after miracle just to get in the door and you know when uh... when the for sale sign went out at the on the side of the road so we all were here when that happened and uh... miss caitlin was the first one to say let's believe god for it and when i heard her say that can i be honest with you i said yeah right that's not gonna happen

we came out here and some of us were here when we marched around the property in faith on a sunday night came out here marched around like Jericho saying God give us this building but in the back of my head I was saying how's that gonna happen man are you serious great man of faith that I am but God did it God did it you know why because he gets the credit and he gets the glory and so I just want to challenge you in your faith

Listen, you're going to look back on this situation that you're in right now. One day you're going to look back on it and all that God did to get you through it and you're going to say, man, that wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. And just God needs you to trust Him, to believe Him, and to stay faithful to Him. Let's close in prayer tonight. Would you lift up your hands? I want to pray with you this evening. Let's say this prayer together. Say, God in heaven, I repent for my anxiety and my fears.

Adam Dragoon (42:50.574)

I recognize you tonight. It's Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who is able to provide. I'm putting my trust in you. I'm putting my life in your hands. The best place that I can be is in your will. I need you to speak to me. Help me to hear your voice so I can follow your instructions. And I need you tonight.

Strengthen me and give me faith, confidence to follow you, believing that you have all that I need. In Jesus' name, amen. Let's give him praise right now. God, we thank you. And we praise you, Lord. We give you honor. We give you glory.

Adam Dragoon (43:48.27)

Amen. You know, often we're praying that our situation would change. And I believe that often God is praying that the situation would change you. So let's learn how to be faithful in every situation. Thank you for listening to this message from the Potter's House Church in Virginia Beach. If you sense the Holy Spirit drawing you out of your sins and into a new life with Him, pray this prayer from your heart today. God in heaven, I know I've sinned against you. I've hurt people. I've hurt myself.

and I've broken your laws. Today, I turn from my sins as I surrender to your perfect will. I believe Jesus Christ is your son and that he died and rose again for me. I receive him today as my Lord and Savior. May the old things of my past pass away as you make me a new creation. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit to give me strength to live for you for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. We want to help you live for God. Please join us in person for one of our upcoming church services.

We are located in the heart of Virginia Beach at 1045 Lenhaven Parkway, about one mile from the Lenhaven Mall. Please check the show notes for links to our website and social media. You can also find a link to support this ministry with a generous donation. We would be so grateful. We look forward to sharing future messages here on the VBPH Sermon Podcast. In the meantime, we pray that God would strengthen you to serve Him with all your heart.

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Ninth Commandment: Do Not Lie [Exodus 20:16] | VBPH Sunday School

Originally preached in our Sunday School class on April 14, 2024.

Scripture: Exodus 20:16 NKJV- "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


In this Sunday School Lesson, Pastor Adam Dragoon discusses the importance of truth and the consequences of lying. He emphasizes the need for honesty in our relationships with God and others and the damaging effects of lies on trust and justice. We explore the different types of lies, such as slander and exaggeration, and highlight the connection between lies and the devil. We also address the high price of lies, including the dilution of truth, the destruction of relationships, and separation from God. The sermon concludes with a call to live and worship God in spirit and truth.


  • 00:00 Preparing to Hear from God

  • 08:44 The Price of Lies: Dilution of Truth

  • 16:35 The Price of Lies: Connection to the Devil

  • 42:29 The High Price of Lies: Judgment and Separation from God


  • Lies dilute the value of truth and can lead to a decrease in judgment and righteousness.

  • Lies damage and destroy human relationships, causing pain and mistrust.

  • Lies connect us to the father of lies, Satan, and separate us from God.

  • The price of lies includes the potential for judgment and separation from God.

  • Living in truth and worshiping God in spirit and truth brings freedom and a closer relationship with Him.

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Full transcript (auto-Generated):

Adam Dragoon (00:00.494)

Thanks for listening to the Sermon Podcast from the Potter's House Church in Virginia Beach. Our vision is winning souls, making disciples, and planting churches. You're about to hear a message that was preached live from one of our recent church services. We hope that you'll open your heart to hear the Holy Spirit speaking directly through this message. Stay tuned after the message for information on how to get connected with us. Thanks again, and enjoy today's message. You know, it's really important that when we come into the house of the Lord, that we're ready to hear from God.

Instead of sitting down and saying, okay, now I need to spend the next 20 minutes focusing my mind, we should have spent that 20 minutes before we came into the house, correct? So I want to encourage you, we come into the house of the Lord prepared, prepared already to hear from God. Let's open up our Bibles to Exodus chapter 20, and we're going to get a few scriptures this morning. Could I get some volunteers to read some scriptures? Miss Maggie?

Proverbs chapter 10 verse 18. Amen. Miss Noelle Isaiah 59 verses 13 through 15. Need a few more Sabin Proverbs 18 verse 8. Amanda Proverbs 25 verse 18. Miss Perla John 8 44.

Okay, so we are continuing as we look through the Ten Commandments and breaking down each one of them and what they actually mean for our lives. And so as we focus our minds this morning, can someone take a moment to remind us what are the first four commandments that we need to remember?

Eight that we've looked at so far, the first eight of the Ten Commandments. Can somebody remind me? Number one, I am the Lord your God and I am one. Okay, number two, no graven images. That's a prohibition of idolatry. Number three, don't take the Lord's name in vain. Blasphemy. Number four, keep the Sabbath holy. Number five, honor your father and your mother and long will your days be. Number six,

Adam Dragoon (02:27.758)

shall not kill number seven do not commit adultery number eight we looked at last week do not steal okay and so we are looking now at commandment number nine what an amazing world this would be if people actually took these things seriously you know what I'm saying? not only so here's the great problem just starting off a great problem is that the church doesn't even know these laws.

today, right? We might, if you asked a random churchgoer today on Sunday morning, do you know the Ten Commandments? How many of them do you think the random churchgoer might be able to name? You know what I'm saying? Like if the church, if the random churchgoer today cannot name even five out of the Ten Commandments, that means we've got a big problem on our hands, okay? That's why this is valuable for us to study, for us to learn, for us to be reminded of.

And so what a world this would be if we would take these things seriously. So, commandment number nine, according to the word of God, Exodus chapter 20 verse 16, very simply it says, you shall not lie. Okay, now there is a lot there to unpack. You shall not lie. Now remember, we've been looking at this from the perspective of these are, this is a list of negative commandments. In other words,

Don't do these things, okay? So some of them are positive, like honor your mother and father. That's a positive action. You have to do this. But in this case, God is prohibiting something. He's saying, do not lie. And so whenever we find a negative commandment, we also find God is fundamentally lifting up or upholding a truth behind that negative prohibition. And so just to get our minds started this morning, if the commandment is,

do not lie, then what is the thing that God is protecting? What is the thing that God is upholding when he says do not lie? Amanda? Truth. Yes, it is the concept of truth. Now there's a lot of interesting discussion that we can have about truth this morning. The Bible says God is truth. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. And we cannot worship him without

Adam Dragoon (04:53.678)

worshiping in spirit and in truth. So there's a lot here that we can talk about this morning. When the Bible says do not lie, there are some very powerful ideas that are underneath that truth today. So what I would say about lying, perhaps, you know, it's kind of hard to narrow this down, but from person to person, it is pretty easy, or it is pretty reasonable for us to assume,

that this is probably the most broken commandment out of the ten. Because a lie is something that is so easy to commit. Sometimes we can lie without even realizing that we're lying. And so lying is something that comes so naturally to our fallen nature.

And there's a lot of reasons for that. So let's think about for a few moments the different kinds of lies that got his prohibiting. Okay, so the basic lie I would say is untrue words. Okay, the basic idea of telling a lie is that you are saying something that's not true. Now why would somebody do that? Why would somebody say words that are not true? What are the reasons that go into that?

Adam Dragoon (06:23.374)

keeping themselves out of trouble. Okay, that's right up there at the top of the list, right Chris?

to make people think you know what you're talking about.

Adam Dragoon (06:38.19)

Uh huh. One of the more infamous ones, especially today. I'm okay. Oh yeah, yeah. When things are not okay. Okay, I got a great illustration. July 15th, 1993. When the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey ran a help wanted ad for electricians with expertise at using Sontag connectors, they received 170 responses, even though there is no such thing as a Sontag connector.

The authority ran the ad to find out how many applicants will falsify their resumes. Okay, perfect illustration. People will lie to get a job. People will lie to get themselves ahead. People will lie to keep themselves from falling behind. Yeah, Ms. Leanna?

I know for the, during the, after the pandemic, the, a lot of businesses that took the COVID relief, they had the, in order to, I guess, not have to pay it back, they had to prove that they were trying to hire people. So a lot of businesses would say now hiring, but they're not actually hiring at all. They just didn't want to pay back that loan. Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yes.

Savannah? To get away from you. What do you mean? Like, they'll be like, hey, do you want to hang out today? And someone's like, no, I'm busy. And then they're just going out with their other friends to get away from you. All right, how about this one? Are you going to be in church today?

That's getting a little too close to home. Well, famously, you know, politicians lie on the regular, make promises that they can never fulfill. And the reason that we have these kinds of basic lies is normally it's a form of protection. We think that we are protecting ourselves or others by telling things that are not true.

Adam Dragoon (08:44.814)

So then you have another category of lie and that's something called slander Okay, the Bible has a lot to say about slander doesn't it and what what what comes to your mind when you hear the word slander? What does that look like to you? Oh? Miss Maggie envy envy okay, I think that's where it comes from but what does slander look like miss Leanna?

Deliberately saying false information in a bad way or a bad light about someone or something in order to make them look bad to others around around them so that they can be pushed away from pretty much Whoever was close to them. Mm -hmm. Okay, so this is this is where social media today has The the negative side of social media is that it's very easy to slander people. It's very easy to say

falsehoods and Get away with it. There's no price right so you can an honest anonymously type in a comment on Facebook or Twitter or whatever and And you can post that out to the world and you can destroy somebody's reputation with just a few words and there's very little price to pay for that but At least in the world, but guess what God is watching God sees what goes on social media doesn't he?

Uh, slander is when we speak lies about someone with the intention of hurting them or their reputation. Chris, want to add to that? Unfortunately, I've seen it actually at my current job that when, um, some spotlights have been put on people that haven't been doing their job well, they'll start, start and talk about it with the others to pull the spotlight off themselves so they continue doing what they're doing so the others get in trouble instead of them. Mm -hmm. Okay.

So have you ever been slandered about?

Adam Dragoon (10:38.094)

How does it feel? You know, this is one reason why a lot of people stay away from leadership positions. Why some people are leery to step up into ministry sometimes. I don't want to be in the spotlight. I don't want to be on the pedestal because people, I don't know what people are going to say about me. How many pastors, how many pastors' wives and families have quit the ministry simply because there's some idiot.

who's uh... slandering and uh... and it just comes to a point i don't want to deal with this anymore and so the enemy uses slander doesn't he? Proverbs chapter ten verse eighteen Miss Maggie had that one.

Adam Dragoon (11:30.222)

Proverbs chapter 10 verse 18. Yes. Whoever hides hatred has lying lips and whoever spreads slander is a fool. Okay. Makes it pretty clear. Chris I saw him. Miss Leanna. I was trying to point out along the lines of slander like how it's evolved today. There's now because of AI technology some celebrities are.

having images of their faces on nude bodies because AI imaging, they've never released it, but some fans be like, oh yeah, totally, yeah, she's such a, it's just like it's slandering via fake images. Yep, yep, something that is going to become a worse and worse problem as time goes by. But okay, that's one example where that could be very dangerous, but what about somebody creating an image of a world leader?

making a speech behind a podium and saying things that are inflammatory. I mean, this could cause war in the future if we're not careful. And if it's done right and it upsets the right people, I mean, missiles could fly. And so, whoever has slandering lips is a fool, right? Yes, Ms. Noh?

Adam Dragoon (12:49.166)

thinking that is.

they could be.

Adam Dragoon (12:58.19)

be twisting.

Adam Dragoon (13:05.102)

Mm -hmm, okay, well that comes into the next category of lies, and that is the category of exaggeration. Okay, have you ever heard the term making a mountain out of a molehill? This is something when someone is telling a truth, but then expands it to a size where it goes beyond its original meaning, right? So an exaggeration is, you know, preachers can do this.

I'm not gonna say I do this. But it is possible for some preachers to want so badly to prove a certain point that we twist the truth. It is possible. And so, you know, isn't it funny that the fishing story, the fish always gets bigger with time. I'm telling you it was this big.

And then the year later, I'm telling you, the fish was this big. And it gets bigger in our mind. But it's not just about fishing stories, is it? We do this in regards to past successes. We want to promote ourselves. We want to think of ourselves well. We want to present ourselves well to other people. It happens on resumes. It happens in job interviews. We take what was probably something very mundane, and we make it into this huge deal.

That's exaggeration, okay? Can somebody think of an example of exaggeration? Yes? Mr. Sabin? An example. Someone taps you lightly. Mom, he hit me super hard.

Adam Dragoon (14:52.878)

That's pretty good. That's pretty good. It reminds me of a soccer game with all the flopping and LeBron James, serial flopper. Yes? One regretful exaggeration is our own mental health will be, will have just the minor inconvenience, but because we've let so many inconveniences build up, that became the straw that breaks the camel's back and next thing we know,

We've practically put ourselves out of commission because of one minor inconvenience that day. And it's just like our brain just starts telling itself, you're never going to get through this. But we got to try to do our best to remind ourselves we can. OK. Yep. Mr. David.

Adam Dragoon (15:38.382)

I firmly believe that there's not one person around that doesn't exaggerate. Yeah. And the reason being is because although it may not be well intended as to exaggerate to make it look better, but in their own mind, they did so much. And a lot of this comes to the workplace. Yeah. Where you think you did so much, you did quite a bit, but you have that tendency to exaggerate, and that's why resumes look like they do too. Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Some people build their entire character around exaggeration. I'm thinking of the Donald at the moment. And you know, we can criticize his political, but almost every word that comes from his mouth, he's a salesman. It was the most beautiful, it was the most tremendous, everything. And so what I'm saying is you can build a whole character around exaggeration. And the final, the final,

category of lies that we could think about is the category of silence in the midst of evil. It is possible to lie by saying nothing or by withholding something back at the opportune moment. Okay, so that's not an active lie, but it is the same as a lie in the sense of if you said something, the truth would be made manifest. It's the idea of

So for example, during World War II, the Pope of the Catholic Church at that time was greatly criticized because in the face of the Nazi death camps, the Pope basically said nothing to expose it. He was aware of what was happening, but for not doing more, while millions of Jewish people and others were dying in Nazi death camps, here's a man who could have spoke out, who could have militarized, who could have...

gotten people aware of what was happening but didn't say anything. So when we are confronted with right and wrong, you have an opportunity to stand up for truth. So can somebody give me an example of when silence is a form of lying? Criminals? Plead the fifth, okay.

Adam Dragoon (18:04.046)

You have the right to remain silent, right? Yes, seven.

Pretty much like when you stole something and your parents find out you stole it but you don't want to admit it so you just say nothing when they ask. Sounds like some personal experience there. Shaden? If you hide something from someone and they ask is it here? You just say I'm not telling you nothing.

Adam Dragoon (18:41.358)

God's going to help that back row. Hallelujah. Yes, Savannah?

What? The Big Bang? What do you mean? You mean that it's a lie? Oh, okay.

Adam Dragoon (19:05.934)

Okay, so how about Peter denying Christ three times? Okay, you're the one, aren't you? Aren't you one of those guys that was with Jesus? I hear it in your accent. You're from Galilee, aren't you? And I swear, I don't know the man. Okay, that's like a denial, yes, Ms. Leanna?

One I guess is not saying something to someone because you're afraid of how it might affect their mental health when they're going through a hardship and you don't want to say something that might make it worse or turn it into a full -blown argument because you're just tired of arguments. So this is a fear of confrontation. I don't want to rock the boat. I don't want to upset the apple cart. I don't want to risk the relationship by saying something that is true.

And so yes, absolutely, this can cause great damage. Okay, let's think about one other aspect. So far we've spoken about lying in the context of relational, meaning a lie happens between two people. It's a word that is either spoken or withheld in the context of conversation. Is it also possible to have lies or to commit the sin of lying without...

more than one person. What I'm getting at is, is it possible for us to allow lies even in our own mind? That there is an aspect of lying to ourselves that is just as deadly and just as dangerous as lies passing between two people. Chris? I actually had a question on something that might fall under that. I don't know if you would. If someone has something that's happened to them but they've never told someone close to them about it.

because they're afraid if they did, it would actually hurt that person to hear them and they would blame their self. Would that be considered keeping one of those silent lies? I think keeping secrets. Any kind of skeleton in the closet, things that still can affect present day realities, relationships, I think that is something to consider for sure. Megan, did you want to add to that?

Adam Dragoon (21:26.382)

I can think of two examples.

inwardly we believe the lies from our own insecurities or our own baggage things either

we allow the devil to come in and put things and we make assumptions or if we're insecure about situations. I think one of the biggest lies and things that people can struggle with is making assumptions instead of clearly communicating something and that can lead to misunderstands or exaggerations or even lies that you might think somebody thinks that way or feels some way. In reality, that may not be the case or there's something going on that you may not even realize that they're dealing with and it could.

that person to go this way instead of coming together and talking to each other and dealing with the issue appropriately or yourself, you're maybe avoid people because you're believing the same kind of thoughts or assumptions in your own mind and you're upset at somebody and you realize, wow, they didn't feel that way or they didn't think that way or if I would just simply talk to them, like wow, that whole situation I was making in my mind was really not the real thing.

Okay, so there is the idea, and maybe you've heard this, what's the problem with a little white lie? What's the problem, is there a price to pay? So I want to talk with you about the price of lies. So yes, there is such a thing as big lies and little lies. And you can see that in the consequences of those lies. So if it's,

Adam Dragoon (23:04.27)

And so the question is, okay, is it possible that there's a lie that's so small that it doesn't have any effect at all, that there's no price to pay? So let's look at the high price of lies. Let's read together Isaiah 59 verses 13 through 15. Who had that one? Miss Noelle.

Adam Dragoon (23:25.902)

In transgressing and lying against the Lord and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood, and judgment is turned away backward and justice standeth afar off. For truth is fallen in the street and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth, and he that departed from evil maketh himself a prey. And the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.

Okay, this is very interesting scripture. So Isaiah is describing a time in Israel where there is so much sin, there is so much lying that's going on, there is so much turning away from truth and turning toward falsehood, is that he says that the effect of that is that justice is turned away and righteousness stands afar off. So,

When there is a individual, a person, or a family, or a neighborhood, or a culture, or a whole nation that begins to believe lies, the effect of that is that there is a decrease in judgment and righteousness. Do you catch that connection? So what is the price of a culture, or a people, or a person who allows lies to go unchallenged?

It causes the truth to be diluted, to lose its value. Is that making sense? There was a big battle in this nation, in the culture of this nation back in the 90s and the early 2000s regarding marriage, whether marriage should be considered between one man and one woman. Well, we thought we won that culture war when they passed in Congress the Defense of Marriage Act, signed by Bill Clinton, I believe the year was 1996.

Well, fast forward another 10 years, and turns out we actually lost that battle. And now we can define marriage however we want to define it. Where homosexuals can be married, two men can marry, two women can marry, you can marry a donkey if you want to. The laws have been lost, okay? And what is the result? Why were those of us who were defending marriage at the time, what was the argument? The argument was,

Adam Dragoon (25:50.222)

If we allow marriage to be defined however we want it, then what is the effect? It devalues what marriage is at the core. And now we're seeing the results of that as the culture is now not only questioning what is a marriage, but now we're questioning what is a woman? What is a man? What is gender? And so this is the slippery slope.

that many people predicted back in the eighties and the nineties we're seeing it happen when we begin to question when we begin to allow these lies to be proliferated every day then it is diluting the very idea of justice and truth and you know uh... any comments or questions about that yes miss leana

I guess the first slipperiest lie that's left us to the path we have today is, go ahead and eat it. You will not surely die. That is the original lie, right? You will not die. So taking what God said and questioning it. So God said, you eat that fruit, you're going to die, period. But the enemy came in and said, if you eat that fruit, will you surely die? He took the period statement from God.

and turn that into a question mark. And by doing so puts a question in the mind of all of us. And this is what the enemy loves to do. He loves to take God's declarative statements and turn them into questions. And when they become questions, it means it's possible to answer incorrectly. Sabin, did you want to add to that?

So in that Isaiah scripture in 14 at the end it says, in the King James, equity cannot enter and that translates to uprightness. But it's like when we lie, we're obviously creating a false reality. But the real danger in that is that, let's say reality is a puzzle piece, but when you lie, the puzzle piece doesn't look exactly as it should. So if I'm trying to give you something you need based off a lie,

Adam Dragoon (27:58.414)

it's not actually what you need because I'm operating towards a false puzzle piece. So then that just continues and then it just all gets janky and that's the slippery slope. That's right. And that's that's why someone who lives their lives by lies is a very difficult and stressful life because you have to keep in your mind all these disparate realities. It's like living in the multiverse in the MCU. It's like you have all of these.

Reality and with this person over here. I got to remember that I told them this and that and the end this and I was with them at that time But even though that wasn't true I have to I have to remember that when I'm around them because otherwise I'll get caught in my lie and that's just that one person and like you know when I hear about somebody who has You know who has like five girlfriends at the same time. I'm like you must be the most miserable man on earth You know what I'm saying like trying to? Keep all those realities suspended in the air at the same time

It causes nothing but stress and anxiety. That's why the, what was that proverb? It said, whoever hides hatred has lying lips. Whoever spreads slander is a fool. It's foolish. That's why the most rewarding life is a life of truth. Where I'm with people, they know who I am. I know who they are. I trust them, they trust me. I trust God, he trusts me. You're set free. It's a life of freedom, isn't it? Do you want to add to that?

Adam Dragoon (29:27.054)

I was also reading in this book, ironically titled, The People of the Lie, and in it it says, one of the things about lying is that when it pushes you deeper, since you had to keep up with it, it self -perpetuates itself, because then you're afraid of being revealed, so you have to continue to lie, because once you get caught, you have to go all the way back to square one and undo five years of lying, 10 years, so it's just, it's horrible. Absolutely. You get down the road. Yeah, and it's like, if you would have turned around,

when it was early, when it was early on, if you would have taken five minutes to say, you know man, what I just said five minutes ago, that was actually a lie, and I'm really sorry, would you please forgive me. Like that is a lot easier than five years down the road, saying this whole reality that I've been telling you for the last five years is really embarrassing. And that's what you're saying. It self -perpetuates, it's like driving on the road and you get all the way to the Rockies, you know? Like.

I should have made a right turn back in Delaware. Instead I made a left turn and I got to the Rocky Mountains. You know what I'm saying? Like that takes a lot of correction to get back to the right place. Yeah.

And some of the worst lie moments though is because medically lying, like lie about an ailment so long that your body starts believing it and it starts punishing itself. Yeah, there are physical effects, absolutely. There's a name for that. Hypochondriac, that's right. And someone who believes that I have a tummy ache. Well, if you believe that long enough,

Your tummy will begin to ache. You can convince yourself of these things. Megan, did you want to add?

Adam Dragoon (31:15.278)

So on the other side of it, if for example you've had a few situations in your life where you have people saying stuff about you and you know for a fact it's not true, like you're on the receiving end of... Slander. Slander basically.

Adam Dragoon (31:35.918)

especially when it revolves, people that are not around you on a daily basis, and you're trying to keep your heart right and forgive.

Okay, so yeah, we're gonna we're gonna get to that at the end but we have to be people of truth and If we are people of truth that is where we can connect with God and we have to believe that God is the God of truth He's the God of justice

that he will expose lies, that that's what Jesus promised, those things that are whispered in the secret place will be shouted from the rooftops, where that there will be a day of reckoning and we've got to trust him. We've got to have that faith. Andre? No, I just wanted to add something, piggyback off of Saban. Okay. There are many people in prison for murder because they have tried to cover up those lies and it led them to actually kill to keep their lives from being exposed.

Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, so this is this is one of those fundamental sins that definitely leads to worse sins down the road Chris I Mean even in scriptural David pretty much that when he got Bathsheba pregnant He tried to get her husband to come back so that can pretend that they slept together and that it was his baby and did it So instead he killed her husband. That's right. He's willing to kill because his lies didn't work

Absolutely, okay, so so the what we're looking at then is what is the cost of lying and the first cost is that in Allowing a pattern of lying to happen it degrades or it dilutes Truth on a large level that's that's very important. You there's the old fable about the boy who cried wolf There's a wolf. There's a wolf. There's a wolf and he's doing that to get attention But then the whole village comes out to protect him

Adam Dragoon (33:38.51)

and there's no wolf. Okay? And the idea is he does it again, he does it a third time, and by the third time, there's a wolf, there's a wolf, but this time there's really a wolf eating his sheep, but now the whole village says, oh, he's just telling a story again. So by telling lies, his words began to be diluted. The truth. So this is the effect of a culture that allows lies to go unpunished or to go unchallenged even.

is that the truth becomes diluted. That's what we're seeing. We're coming to a day where good is called evil and evil is called good. And it's because that when God said he created the male and female, that's a period statement. And now our culture is putting a question mark there. And so when that goes unchallenged, that has the consequence of diluting truth. And I hope you can see the danger of that. Okay, let's look at the next one.

So by diluting truth, the next thing that happens is that it can damage and destroy human relationships. Let's read some scriptures, Proverbs 18 verse 8. Say even had that one. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels. They go down to the innermost parts. Okay, words of a tale bearer are like wounds. They go down into the inmost body. Have you ever felt that? Someone telling stories about you?

It feels like a personal attack. You would almost rather have somebody punch you in the face than have somebody telling you stories, telling stories about you. And this is why mental health is such a problem for young people today because they feel that from social media. They feel that there are stories being told. Even teenagers that suicide is off the charts these days because of this. Somebody tells a story about them that's not true.

But because it's online, they can't defend it. They can't face their accusers going back to school becomes an option that's out of the question, and so they'd rather just die. Right there. They go down into the inmost body, an attack of that kind can truly destroy people. Proverbs 25 verse 18. Amanda.

Adam Dragoon (36:04.75)

Have you given?

I don't think so. Okay, so I'm gonna read that one.

Adam Dragoon (36:14.83)

I'll just write it in my notes here. Did you hear that? A man who lies against his neighbor is like a club, a sword, and a sharp arrow. Those are weapons of warfare, right? What do you use weapons of warfare for? To kill, to destroy, okay?

Adam Dragoon (36:44.654)

It says, a lying tongue hates those who are crushed.

Adam Dragoon (36:51.982)

Absolutely, yeah, yeah has goes right back to Well with when with Jesus said

He connected the sin of hatred to the sin of murder. When the commandment said, you've heard it all, you shall not murder, Jesus, he comes and he says, don't even hate your brother. And that's connected with lying. So these are working together. Okay, so the cost of lies. Number one is that they cause truth to lose its value. Number two is it can damage and destroy human relationships. The third thing,

that lies do is that it connects us in a very fundamental way connects us to the father of lies who is Satan. We are never more like the enemy of our soul than when we are telling lies. John chapter 8 verse 44.

Adam Dragoon (38:10.574)

Okay, so Another translation when he speaks a lie he speaks from his own resources The idea there is that when Satan lies he's speaking his mother language, right?

every other language truth to him is a foreign language he can understand it it's like when you go to another country and they're speaking uh... a language you don't understand you know you're like confused in days and you're playing playing pictionary all the time and and the devil when we speak truth he can understand that right uh... but when we are operating in lies and deceitfulness oh the devil knows how to talk that language doesn't he?

that is his language. So a person who allows lies to go unchallenged is showing that he agrees more with Satan than with God the Father. We are connected to him through lies. A person who has a lying habit is speaking the devil's language and participating with him in challenging what is true. Okay? That's a high price to pay, isn't it? We don't want to be...

connected to Satan. Why? Why don't you want to be connected to him?

Yes, Ms. Noelle? Why would you not want to be connected to him?

Adam Dragoon (39:52.654)

Well, yeah, because Satan is going to be judged he is going to ultimately God is going to destroy him and so Whatever he is connected to if we are connected to him that destruction will come to us as well. Okay, and finally the last price well, there's there's plenty of prices that we can talk about but The price of telling lies and allowing lies to to live is

is that we separate ourselves from God. So not only are we connected to hell, but we're separated from God. Psalm 101, verse seven. Is that you, Taya?

He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house. He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence. That was so good you better read it again. He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house. He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence. So here's what I can't get. I can't get people who lie straight to my face. I can't get that. In the house of God. In the church. People who...

claim to be born again believers and I've had the experience not once, not a few times, I've had it many times where people who otherwise are good and godly people but will lie straight to my face and I know they're lying and they know they're lying and they know that I know that they're lying. Try to figure that out in your brain. Why would you do that? And so God is saying, this doesn't happen in my presence. So God is a God of truth, right?

That means that lies cannot exist in his presence. How do we come to God? How do we even begin a relationship with God? We have to be honest about ourselves, about our situation, about who he is. We have to say, God, you are holy, I am broken, and God, I desperately need you. Like that's step one with God. We're not gonna get anywhere with God without being honest. I'm messed up and I need a savior. And there's a lot of people who won't even,

Adam Dragoon (42:02.158)

who won't even consider telling themselves the truth in that way. Defending their own honor, defending their lives, defending, well, I'm not such a bad person. And God says, I don't have any part of that, right? Okay, so God is a God of truth. We gotta wrap this up quickly. But the Bible says that the highest price that we pay for lies is ultimately in hell. Revelation 21 verse eight.

The cowardly, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, the sexual immoral, the sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. That's interesting to be listed among all those things, right? All liars is right up there with sexually immoral, sorcerers, murderers, cowardly, unbelieving. Proverbs 19 .5, a false witness will not go unpunished. He who speaks lies will not escape.

judgment. So you might think that there is just a white lies. Who's going to get hurt by me telling a few lies? God is listening. And even every idle word that we speak is heard and recorded by God. Do you think that God is forgetful of the things that we say? Do you think that God keeps good books? Do you think that there is a record in heaven of your lies? And do you think that one day he will confront you? Why did you say that?

pretty serious, right? Okay, good news is we serve a merciful and a forgiving and a righteous God that when we are honest, he is faithful and just to forgive us even of our wickedness in lies. He is a God of truth. John 14, 6, Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. In other words, not just that Jesus

has the truth, but Jesus is the truth. We don't come to him just to obtain truth. We come to him to be in his truth. We who are in Christ. John 4 verse 24, God is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. How about you? Maybe God would challenge you to walk in truth. Maybe there's something that you've been hiding, something that you've been lying about.

Adam Dragoon (44:28.686)

something that has been withheld from people that you care about. And maybe like what Saban explained, maybe it's years down the road now and it's embarrassing. I ended up in a very wrong place because of a lie that I told 20 years ago, or 50 years ago. And so I would say to you this morning that the embarrassment of telling the truth is worth it. It's worth it. It might be painful, but it's worth it. Jesus said, the truth shall what? Set you free.

Wouldn't it be amazing to not have to live a lie? The truth will make you free. Amen. We come to him in spirit and in truth, and that's what we are gonna do in this service today. We're gonna worship him in spirit and in truth. Let's close in prayer this morning as we get ready for our service. Thank you for listening to this message from the Potter's House Church in Virginia Beach. If you sense the Holy Spirit drawing you out of your sins and into a new life with him, pray this prayer from your heart today. God in heaven, I know I've sinned against you. I've hurt people, I've hurt myself.

and I've broken your laws. Today I turn from my sins as I surrender to your perfect will. I believe Jesus Christ is your son and that he died and rose again for me. I receive him today as my Lord and Savior. May the old things of my past pass away as you make me a new creation. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit to give me strength to live for you for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. We want to help you live for God. Please join us in person for one of our upcoming church services.

We are located in the heart of Virginia Beach at 1045 Lenhaven Parkway, about one mile from the Lenhaven Mall. Please check the show notes for links to our website and social media. You can also find a link to support this ministry with a generous donation. We would be so grateful. We look forward to sharing future messages here on the VBPH Sermon Podcast. In the meantime, we pray that God would strengthen you to serve Him with all your heart.

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