The Sheep & The Shepherd

Over the last week, I have been extremely privileged to have been able to meet face-to-face with nearly all of the regular members of our growing congregation in encounters I had facetiously labeled "Flock Inspections". The results were nothing less than incredible. I think that as a shepherd, I learned far more about the precious people that God has entrusted to my care than I had expected to. That is a good thing, and I am thankful for the openness, honesty, and frankness of our church in these pastoral meetings.

My takeaway has been twofold: 1) I need to pray. I don't have the resources in my mind or in my experience to properly deal with all of the overwhelming issues that are happening behind the scenes, many times without any of my knowledge. I desperately need God to give me guidance and direction to lead His people rightly. 2) I am a blessed man. I was struck by the quality of the people that fill our off-color green chairs week in and week out. It is a testimony of God's ability to bring the right right people at the right time for His great purposes. I am more positive than I have ever been concerning the future of our church because of these meetings and realizing the incredible resources that God has entrusted in our ministry.

Truly, these are great sheep. Thank you, Lord!


Building the Kingdom


Coming to the End