The Potter's House

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Prayer Needs – Three Day Fast

I hope you've had a great start to your fast today! Here's the promised prayer list to be lifting up during this time.

Roxanne - From the Dog Grooming Shop

Physical Healing, breaking the power of addiction

Adam McFeaters

1. Jobs that are well paying and keep disciples available for ministry and support.

2. Marriages to be strengthened.

3. Souls to be added to the church.

4. Outreach and prayer participation to increase.

5. Church bands and dramas to be anointed, visitors and salvations at concerts.

6. New disciples that will prepare to pioneer.

7. Financial stability and blessing.

8. Healthy pregnancy and babies for Hristina and Yessi.

9. Good grades for the kids.

10. A house to buy? God willing.

11. Missionaries to get break through.

12. Myanmar impact fruitfulness.

13. Tangible growth during Pstr Melrose revival.

14. Time off work for SE bible conference.

15. Ray and Corde McFeaters saved

Mimi Ivanova

1. My boss' Mom - Kerri - healing of stomach cancer (today I prayed with her for healing and salvation, I'm so grateful for the opportunity)

2. Favor with God and men on my audit for 2014 and 2015 taxes

3. Future husband :)

Amanda Wade


-Dakota Brock

-Kayla Brock

-Izacely Juarez

-Taylor-Painter Family

-Prevost Family

-New Families to get saved


-Ronda Craddock

-Beth Chambers

-Uncle Ron battling depression/ severe back pain


-More Business for the small businesses in church

-Favor in a businesses payment dispute with a customer

-Increase in finances to be able to give more to the kingdom

-Souls to be saved while on missions trip


Sandisover Grant

1 Spiritual breakthrough for each member of our congregation, so that we will be able to minister to others and win souls for the God.

2 Spiritual guidance for family, friends and neighbors to open their hearts to receive the word of god.

3 Spiritual cleansing for our hearts so we wull show love to each and everyone come in contact with in our daily lives.

4 Unity among family, friends and foes.

5 Help to kill flesh so I can walk in the Spirit

6 Salvation for my family - Brittany Lee, Melissa Nassar and William Nassar

7 Employment In a god fearing company that will provide good salary and benefits.

Stephanie Delcid - Emailed Need

Hello from Cuenca Ecuador.  We would like to ask you to please link hearts with us in prayer for Wil and Elsy Cruz that have been unable to conceive for 13 years.  Doctors say there is nothing wrong, we have been praying and fasting for God to give them a child.  They are on our ministry staff.

Thank you, please continue to pray for us The Delcid's in Cuenca as we pray for you and your upcoming conference.

Pastor Dragoon

Salvation and discipleship

Rob Hardee


David Pintor




Missions Trip



Relationship with God

Wisdom for Leadership

Direction for Church

Grandma Joni

Healing from Bronchitis


Feel free to add to this list by commenting below. Believing God to answer these prayers!