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Drinking deeply from Jesus’ living water

This call is not just a casual suggestion but a demand for a decision. We are faced with the choice to either embrace this life-giving water or to continue in spiritual dryness. The urgency of this decision is underscored by the reality that every day we delay is a decision in itself. We must acknowledge our desperate need for Jesus, recognizing that without Him, we can do nothing. This acknowledgment requires humility, as it challenges our natural inclination to rely on our own strength and resources.

The story of the rich young ruler in Matthew 19..

serves as a poignant example of the cost of following Jesus. Despite his wealth, youth, and power, the young man walked away sorrowful because he was unwilling to give up the one thing that held him back. This story reminds us that following Jesus often requires sacrifice and a willingness to let go of what we hold dear. Yet, the reward is immeasurable, as we gain treasure in heaven and a life transformed by His presence.

Deep dive

  • Every day we delay in responding to Jesus' call is a decision in itself. We must acknowledge our desperate need for Him, recognizing that without Him, we can do nothing. This requires humility and a willingness to let go of self-reliance. [02:27]

  • The story of the rich young ruler illustrates that following Jesus often requires sacrifice. We must be willing to let go of what holds us back, whether it's wealth, comfort, or other attachments, to gain the immeasurable treasure of a transformed life. [11:47]

  • The woman with the alabaster jar demonstrates what it means to drink deeply of the living water. Her act of worship challenges us to express our gratitude and love for Jesus in tangible ways, reflecting the forgiveness and grace we have received. [18:44]

  • The fruits of the Spirit are markers of a life filled with Jesus' presence. As we draw near to God, He fills us with His Spirit, empowering us to be His witnesses and to exhibit love, joy, peace, and other virtues in our daily lives. [22:55]

  • Jesus' invitation to drink of the living water is open to everyone. We are called to respond wholeheartedly, leaving behind whatever is necessary to follow Him and experience the fullness of life He offers. [16:01]

questions to consider:

  • What does the story of the rich young ruler teach about the cost of following Jesus, and how does it relate to personal sacrifices? [11:12]

  • How does the act of the woman with the alabaster jar challenge our understanding of worship and gratitude? [18:44]

  • How does acknowledging our need for Jesus require humility, and why is this challenging for many people? [04:33]

  • Reflect on a personal attachment or comfort that might be holding you back from fully following Jesus. What steps can you take to let go of it? [12:36]

  • Consider how you can express your gratitude and love for Jesus in a tangible way, inspired by the woman with the alabaster jar. [18:44]

  • Identify an area in your life where you need to rely more on Jesus rather than your own strength. How can you practice this reliance daily? [04:33]

  • Choose one fruit of the Spirit to focus on this week. What specific action can you take to cultivate it in your interactions with others? [22:55]

  • Have you been delaying your response to Jesus' call? What can you do differently to respond more promptly in the future? [02:27]

  • How can you ensure that you are regularly "drinking deeply" of the living water Jesus offers? [14:03]

  • Reflect on a recent situation where you felt spiritually dry. How did you address it, and what can you learn from that experience to apply in the future? [03:23]