Instructions: Watch the video teaching above, then use the material below to apply to your life
More than a carpenter…
In our faith journey, we are called to make pivotal decisions that shape us into true disciples of Jesus Christ. This decision is to believe in Jesus as more than just a historical figure or a moral teacher. This belief is not merely intellectual assent but a deep, transformative faith acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God, the Messiah, and the only way to the Father.
Believing in Jesus requires us to confront the claims He made about Himself.
Jesus declared, "I am the way, the truth, and the life," asserting His unique role as the path to God. This exclusive claim challenges the notion of multiple paths to God and demands a decision from us: Is Jesus who He says He is? The trilemma presented by C.S. Lewis and popularized by Josh McDowell—Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord—compels us to decide if we will accept Him as Lord of our lives.
This decision is not just about acknowledging Jesus' divinity but involves a personal surrender to His lordship. It is a commitment to live in accordance with His teachings and to trust in His promises. As we examine the claims of Jesus and the evidence of His life, we are invited to make a decision that will define our faith journey and open the door to a deeper relationship with God.
Deep dive
Familiarity with Jesus, as seen in the story of His siblings, can sometimes hinder true belief. Moving from knowing about Jesus to believing in Him as the Messiah is a crucial decision that unlocks new spiritual possibilities and growth. [11:50]
Jesus' declaration that He is the only way to the Father challenges the idea of multiple paths to God. This claim requires us to decide if we believe in Jesus as the sole path to salvation and a relationship with God. [16:41]
The trilemma—Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord—forces us to confront His claims about Himself. Our decision on this matter determines whether we accept Him as the Lord of our lives and commit to living according to His teachings. [36:30]
True belief in Jesus is not just intellectual assent but involves a personal surrender to His lordship. This decision transforms our lives, opening the door to a deeper relationship with God and aligning us with His purposes. [25:01]
questions to consider:
What does Jesus' statement "I am the way, the truth, and the life" in John 14:6 imply about the exclusivity of His role in salvation, and how might this challenge contemporary views on multiple paths to God? [16:41]
How does the familiarity of Jesus' siblings with Him, as described in John 7:2-5, illustrate the potential barriers to faith that can arise from close relationships? [08:20]
4. How does the sermon use the trilemma—Jesus as liar, lunatic, or Lord—to encourage a decision about His identity, and what are the implications of each choice? [36:30]
Reflect on your personal response to Jesus' invitation to follow Him. What steps can you take this week to deepen your relationship with Him? [02:00]
Consider a time when familiarity with Jesus or the church may have hindered your faith. How can you move from knowing about Jesus to truly believing in Him as the Messiah? [08:20]
Jesus' claim to be the only way to the Father is a bold one. How does this belief shape your interactions with people of different faiths or beliefs? [16:41]
The study highlights the transformative power of belief. What areas of your life need to be surrendered to Jesus' lordship, and how can you begin that process today? [25:01]
Reflect on the trilemma presented in the sermon. How have you personally resolved the question of Jesus' identity, and what impact does this have on your daily life? [36:30]
James' journey from skepticism to belief was pivotal. Is there someone in your life who is skeptical about Jesus? How can you support them in their journey toward faith? [23:32]
How can the understanding of Jesus as the "Son of Man" from Daniel 7:13-14 inspire you to live with a greater sense of purpose and mission? [32:44]